Producing Possibilities For Film

Producing Possibilities

Producing Possibilities For Film

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Project Development

The power and meaning of a film increase when the origin and motive for the story can be felt by the audience

Script & Story

Development consulting in the stage of concept, story and script stimulates insight and provides better possibilities for the development of the project. Early input with expertise and experience can be of significant meaning for the progress of the project and relevance for audience and international market potential.

Matching Projects

Project development will be accelerated and broadened through international participation and co-production. Partners bring knowledge, capacity and a broader financial perspective, strengthening the basis and position of the project. Matching projects and people in the early stages are a key aspect for the success of a project.

Works in Progress

Professional ‘extra eyes’ in the editing and rough-cut phase of a project, enriches the creative process with inspiring solutions for creative dilemmas. A guiding principle has to be consistency concerning the intention of the filmmaker and meaning of the story for the audience.

Festival & Market Strategy

An international festival premiere is for the career of a film and those involved a major and far reaching stepping stone. An extensive network and expertise of the international festival world and market are essential in the design of an effective strategy, focusing on international distribution and impact on the international market.

Project Promotion

International promotion means getting serious attention for the project from the right person at the right moment. Key elements are a perfect presentation and well-prepared Pitch, targeting festival programmers, sales agents, and gatekeepers at the various development platforms.


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© Copyright 2019 • BaseWorx · Website: Doets Design